Career Consultations

Achieve your professional goals and design a career that reflects who you are.

The Saudi job market is shifting fast, with new roles and opportunities emerging across different sectors. Blloom offers a complete solution for online career consulting and guidance. With our live sessions and courses, you can reach your career goals and build a path that suits you. Book your consultation and kickstart your professional growth today.

Blloom specialities

Career change

Start your career transition journey with Blloom. We offer effective strategies and methods for anyone looking to switch jobs or change their career field.

Negotiating Salary and Benefits

Negotiate successfully with your current or potential employer to get the salary and benefits you want. With Blloom, you’ll gain the tools and skills you need. You’ll learn effective negotiation strategies, how to determine your value in the job market, and how to confidently ask for what you deserve.

English in the workplace

Develop your English language skills from scratch in the business field. Discover Blloom’s easy and effective way to learn the language and how to apply it to your career.

Job hunting

Discover Blloom’s model for job searching, with practical practices and steps to help you land your dream job more quickly.

Get a promotion

Discover key strategies and effective methods to secure your next desired promotion. Propel yourself towards a better career future and make the most of advancement opportunities with Blloom.

Dealing with manager

Effectively manage your relationship with your manager and discover the key ways to interact with them. This is one of the most important factors that can determine your professional development, salary increases, and benefits. You will also learn about the most common challenges you might face when dealing with your manager.

Book your session

The session includes a professional assessment to evaluate your situation, allowing the consultant to provide tailored advice and support.

750.00 SAR

Without VAT

Follow-up consultations can only be booked if you have previously scheduled and participated in a full consultation.

375.00 SAR

Without VAT

Your professional advisor

Raghad Aljughaiman

Hello! 👋🏽

I’m Raghad, a career development expert dedicated to helping people like you land their dream jobs in today’s job market—without being forced into traditional experiences that might not fit them.

In 2014, I found myself in a tough spot. I graduated from King Saud University with a degree in Business Administration and landed a mid-level government job. I wasn’t enjoying my first job and realized the importance of management consulting in the Saudi government sector. If I wanted to grow and make an impact, I needed to enter this field. And that’s exactly what happened.

I became the only Saudi business analyst in management consulting at McKinsey & Company during my time there. I didn’t study abroad or have international experience related to it. I learned a lot during my journey to this role. After being rejected initially, I took a different route through knowledge pathways at McKinsey, with a strong desire to build the skills needed to transition into management consulting. This shift wasn’t common in the company at that time, so I had to carve my own path.

After changing my career and completing three years at the company, I felt I had gained the experience I wanted in management consulting and was ready for the next step. I received job offers in Saudi Arabia and the UAE and moved to the UAE for the opportunity to expand my personal and professional experience. I didn’t create my career path through traditional means and experienced firsthand how our beliefs about ourselves, along with social support, can enhance our career opportunities. I turned this experience into a career development program, and now, I’d love to share it with you. Whether you’re struggling to reach a specific career or feel stuck in your job and tired of the feeling, I’m here to help you 💜

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Blloom’s career consultation service?

Blloom’s career consulting service helps individuals develop their professional skills, capabilities, and experiences in the job market. We provide guidance and advice to help you secure the job that aligns with your skills and career aspirations.

Why Do We Offer Career Consulting?

Career consulting is a key option for many in the job market, helping people get the right advice and guidance since work is an essential part of our lives. At Blloom, we provide this service through experienced and skilled career consultants who are here to support your professional and personal success.

Who is it for?

Career consulting targets anyone seeking advice and guidance on work and career development, including:

  • Employees wanting to enhance their skills and professional abilities.
  • Entrepreneurs aiming to manage and grow their businesses.
  • Freelancers looking to improve their work and opportunities.
  • Students wanting to define their career direction and goals. Individuals facing challenges in their professional life.
  • Those looking to change their career path and improve their skills.
  • Anyone seeking better job opportunities.
How can I benefit from career consulting at Blloom in developing my career path?

You can benefit from Blloom’s career consulting by:

  • Identifying and setting your career goals. Following the advice and guidance provided by experts.
  • Applying the recommendations to improve and develop your professional skills.
  • Enhancing your skills to achieve your career objectives.
How will Blloom’s career consultants help you build and develop your career path?
  • Assess your current professional skills and interests.
  • Provide career guidance aligned with your abilities and interests.
  • Present information on various job roles and their characteristics.
  • Conduct personality tests to match your skills with suitable job opportunities.
  • Develop and update your professional skills to achieve your goals.
  • Offer solutions to overcome challenges in the job market.
  • Help find job opportunities that fit your skills and interests.
What are the basic steps to utilize career consulting services?
  • Define your career goals that you want to develop.
  • Find a certified career consultant.
  • Schedule a session at a mutually convenient time.
  • Prepare for the session by noting down questions you want answers to.
  • Listen carefully to the consultant’s advice and try to implement it to reach your career goals.
  • Follow up with the consultant to track your progress and stay on course with your career path.
What does a career consulting session include?

A career consulting session includes:

  • A professional assessment test to evaluate your current situation.
  • Personalized advice to help you plan your career, set goals, and improve your skills and professional relationships.
  • The session lasts 45 minutes and is conducted via Zoom.
What are the key skills a successful career consultant should have?

A successful career consultant should have:

  • Extensive knowledge in their professional field.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • The ability to offer advice and guidance.
  • Strong analytical and evaluative skills.
  • Good time management.
  • The capability to work independently or as part of a team.
  • Integrity, honesty, and high ethical standards.
Are career consulting services limited to specific professional fields?

Not at all. Career consulting services are not restricted to specific fields. Guidance and advice can be provided across a wide range of professions, including education, healthcare, technology, management, and many more.

How can career consulting help me achieve work-life balance?

Career consulting can help you achieve work-life balance by: Helping you define your personal and professional goals and how to achieve them. Assisting in managing the time required for both areas. Developing personal skills such as problem-solving, communication, and time management. Guiding you in setting priorities for both your career and personal life.

What are the main advantages of career consulting with Blloom?

Blloom offers several benefits that set it apart, including:

  • A supportive learning community with individuals who share similar goals.
  • Personalized support focused on developing your professional skills and capabilities.
  • Experts and specialists with experience in the Saudi job market sharing their insights.
  • A guarantee to refund fees if the service is not provided as promised.